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Blake's Illuminated Books. 6 Volumes.

900,00 Euro (inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.)
Blake, William. David Bindman.
Blake's Illuminated Books. 6 Volumes.
The Tate Gallery and The William Blake Trust. 1991-1995.
1. Jerusalem. The Emanation of the Giant Albion. 2. Songs of Innocence and of Experience. 3. The Early Illuminated Books. All religions are One. There is No Natural Religion. The Book of Thel. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Visions of the Daughters of Albion. 4. The Continental Prophecies. America: a Prophecy. Europe: a Prophecy. The Song of Los. 5. Milton a Poem and the Final Illuminated Works: The Ghost of Abel. On Homers Poetry (and) On Virgil. Laocoön. 6. The Urizen Books. The First Book of Urizen. The Book of Ahania. The Book of Los. Quarto, gilt original-cloth. With the illustrated Dustjackets (these very slightly bumped). From the Mcalpine Library, Venice, with neat stamp in blind. A stunning set. Hervorragend erhalten.
Artikelnummer: WM129
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