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Islamic Rings and Gems. The Benjamin Zucker Collection.

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80,00 Euro (inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.) zzgl. 4,90 € Versand (Inland)

Content, Derek J. (Ed.).
Islamic Rings and Gems. The Benjamin Zucker Collection.

London, Philip Wilson 1987.

Triligual text in English, Arabic and Hebrew. With over 200 colour and 400 black-and-white illustrations. 551 pp. Quarto. Cloth, dust jacket. In a very fine condition.

islamic rings and gems Islamic goldsmithing techniques Goldschmiedekunst

Artikelnummer: QAA3668

Der Ankauf und der Verkauf der Bücher erfolgt durch das Antiquariat Haezeleer Stuttgart. Persönliche Beratung unter 0711-6403491


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